Cosmic Business Breakthrough | Astrology for Entrepreneurs

Behind the scenes: How I work with clients to uncover their secret brand sauce

Sophia Pallas Episode 28

OK, so this episode is a little different. 

I want to take you behind the scenes to show you how I work with my clients to uncover their “hidden” gifts, talents and special branding sauce they can amplify in their businesses. 

Because if you’re in business, your message HAS TO BE UNIQUE if you want to sell. 

❌ You cannot copy someone else’s message.

You need to find your own voice and use it in a way that works for you.

You also need to deeply understand who you’re selling to. 

As a copywriter, I’ve worked with dozens (maybe even hundreds) of clients on their brand messaging and tone of voice.

Before astrology, I would try to get into their heads, watch all their videos, read all their blogs, and ask loads of questions to find out as much as I could about them and their personal style. 

I still think this is all really important and I still do this to an extent. 

But what I do now goes so much deeper. 

When I look at a client’s astrology chart I can see a whole load of stuff I’m not going to find on their YouTube channel, their blog or their sales page.

I can see their approach to life and business, what they most WANT to be known for, the types of things they value, love and admire, and the way they naturally communicate and see the world.

When I’m working with a client on their branding or brand message specifically, I focus on 3 main areas of their birth chart:

  1. The Rising Sign
  2. The Midheaven or MC
  3. Venus

These 3 areas are what I’ve discovered are central to their brand style.

🎧 Listen now to find out what you can uncover from these 3 elements of your chart that will help you uplevel your brand and business vibe.

And, if you do want to go deeper into all of this – booking a session, or several – is key.

This is the kind of thing we work through very thoroughly if you sign up for ongoing 1:1 Cosmic Business Support with me.

We take an in-depth look, specifically at your business and your birth chart. You have time to digest what you learn, ask questions and really integrate this into your business for best effect.

Apply here for 3 months of 1:1 Cosmic Business Support.

This is for you if you want clearer, more refined messaging that's tailored to your innate gifts, plus ongoing support from a strategic business and marketing advisor who has access to the cosmic guidance you’re seeking.

Let me be really clear >> this is NOT a superficial business coaching container.

When we combine astrology with business we can’t help but go deep.

Deep into who you are, what you REALLY want to be doing, and how (or who) you want to be showing up as in this lifetime.

Because 👆 THIS 👆 is where all the things you’ve desired from your business ultimately flow – from crystal clear messaging and conscious visibility, to more ideal clients and feeling absolute JOY in what you’re creating for the world…

Are you ready?

Apply here.


Listen to the Venus episode here 

Ways to work with Sophia in 2023

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The information contained in this podcast and the resources available for download or purchase are for educational and informational purposes only. ​

This information is not a substitute for advice from a professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

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